Looking Back Without Turning Back

I was sitting on the couch under a blanket with my Bible and a pile of books next to me.


I like to start my day by reading my Bible, and then I read a chapter or two from two of the books in my pile. I have highlighters, a pen, and tabs ready for anything that might be noteworthy to me.


Both of the books I'm reading are biographies. One book is in preparation for an upcoming mission trip, and the other is "just for fun." Both books use the words "in hindsight" or "looking back," and when I read those words after being immersed in their world of decisions, choices, steps, regrets, and life, my mind can't help but wonder about my own "in hindsight" or "looking back."


There's something powerful about revisiting your life from a redeemed, forgiven, and restored position. Reading three great books about life and God reminds me of how short life is and that what we do in this life matters.


It all matters, the little things, the big things, and everything in between, but the things that matter the most are the things that change us and alter the course of our lives. They're not all good things, and they're not all bad things; they are what they are – life-changing moments where we get to decide how to move forward and whether or not we will move forward with God.


As I recall those life-changing moments, God was at the center of them all.


When my abusive dad almost ended my life – I vowed not to serve God.

When I finally said "yes" to God – I vowed to be all in with God.

When my daughter was diagnosed with a condition without a cure – I ran to God.

When my husband left His lucrative profession to work for a Church – I reluctantly trusted God.

When my brother and dad died – I rested in the arms of God.

When my husband was hospitalized with COVID-19 – I cried out to God.


On and on, I can go, but every moment of every day, I get to decide how I will move forward with God, and you do too.


I'm not a perfect model of trusting God, but when I look back, God was always there in the back of my mind, in the middle of my pain, all-encompassing and in control.


Looking back to see how faithful God was in your darkest hour is one of the most humbling, faith and trust building, and tear-invoking things you can do.


PSAMake sure you have tissue on hand and a way to fix your makeup before walking down memory lane with God.


Life doesn't stop; it doesn't slow down to let you catch your breath or give you a break. Life keeps going, but when you stop and reflect on the goodness of God in your life, you can have the confidence and peace that whatever you are going through or may come in the future, God is with you and will get you through it. He will not just get you through it limping along, but He will grow, strengthen, and build your faith in Him through it.


He'll ensure you are better because of it. Keep your eyes on Jesus, my friend!


Love ya,
