Who Knows If Perhaps

Most of us are well acquainted with Esther’s story; if not read the book of Esther, it’s a short but powerful read and will catch you up to what we are about to talk about.


“If you keep quiet at a time like this,

deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place,

but you and your relatives will die.

Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

This particular scripture is more famous in the church world than Beyoncé is in the music industry.  It is used to inspire, motivate and encourage women around the world since it was first recorded and told.  We love the “for such a time as this” part, we love the thought that we are here for a purpose and on purpose, we love to be inspired to do great things for God. 

I wish that part of the scripture was the only part, but instead, I am more struck by the words before that powerful statement.  “Who knows if perhaps” – wait, what?  To make it worse this was said after the very inspirational words “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die.”  

I don’t know about you, but I don’t like being threatened and then given the odds of “who knows if”. If I am going to put my life on the line, I would like more assurance than that.

But that is what Esther was facing, she was given the consequences, odds and famous question as her “motivation.”  The situation was dire, people, her people were about to die; she had a decision to make, and she had to make it quickly. 

“Esther had an opportunity to save the world or save herself at this moment.  She had to believe that God had been working all things in her life for good.  Who knows if God has brought you to where you are today just so you can step into your purpose and His plan.” – Journey to Purpose

Purpose has to be lived on Purpose, it has to be lived even if the first words you speak are “who knows if.”  We already have the assurance of Heaven and a relationship with Jesus. What do we have to loose if we take a chance and share the message of Jesus with a lost and hell bound world?  Who knows if perhaps you might make a difference, you may just change the world for Jesus!


*excerpts taken from “Journey To Purpose”, by Nichole Chavez