What I Learned Last Year

First of all, I need to say WELCOME to all of my new friends who have subscribed in the last couple of months.  It is my prayer that you will be encouraged, motivated and mobilized to change the world for Jesus.  I am honored to be on this crazy, faith-filled, bold, courageous and out of the comfort-zone journey with you. 


Welcome to month two of 2020!  How’s it going so far?  Are you sticking to your resolutions?  Are you better, skinnier, healthier, smarter, more disciplined, organized and less stressed today than you were January 1st?  I hope so! So much happens that is out of our control, but the things we can control, we should.  So, if you fell off of the resolution wagon, today is a good day to hop right back on and start again.


Here’s what I’ve been up to.


I’ve been on the “get healthy wagon” since September and so far, so hard! I know I’m supposed to say ‘’good” but let’s be honest, it’s hard.  The good news is I’m half way to my goal and inching my way to the finish line.


Last year I traveled the country meeting with ladies who went through my study, Journey To Purpose. I promoted my new book, The Silenced Army, all while writing the corresponding ten-week study to “The Silenced Army”(to be released later this year).  It was a whirlwind year with 2020 shaping up to look a lot like last year and I could not be more excited.  


This past year taught me that I am not alone in my passion and calling to change the world for Jesus. The world, media and social media wants you to think that you are alone in your Christ-centered beliefs, that the world is no longer tolerant of the message of Jesus and that women are the last people who should be sharing this message, but I have to tell you, THEY ARE WRONG!!


Here is what I learned last year;


1.    Women are hungry for the change only Jesus can bring.

2.    Women are tired of allowing the world to have the loudest and last word.

3.    Women are using their purpose, calling and voice to change the world for Jesus.

4.    Women are unapologetically, boldly and courageously standing up for what Jesus says is right and sharing His message.

5.    Women are bringing the change they want to see.


If you thought you were alone, you are not!  You are part of a vast army, half of which are women, who are putting up a fight against the enemy.  My friend, we are the carriers and messengers of the good news of Jesus and we do so with the mindset that, we are not victims of this sinful world; we are volunteers to change it.


Until next time, 
