How It All Began: Pt 3

Last week I wrote about nonexistent mountains that need to be moved.

How many of you saw that mountain in your mind and felt every word?

That's good. When you see the mountain, you know what must be moved, and the journey begins.

One of the mountains I had to move early on in my ministry was the "how" mountain.

I remember sitting on the bed with James; he listened while I talked excitedly and with full animation about starting a blog, what I would write about, and the impact I prayed it would make.

James heard me out with a smile on his face, and then he asked the question – HOW.

I said, "I don't know but, I'll figure it out." To be honest, I was very excited to talk about it, dream about it, plan for it and pray about it, but when it came to taking action, I was stuck.

There were so many "how" questions that when I finished asking them, I was paralyzed by them. So paralyzed that it took me two years before I wrote my first blog.

The first step was to write a blog, but because I was looking at the "how" for steps 2-200, I couldn't (nonexistent mountain) take that very first and critical step – START.

Who feels like I'm writing your story right now?

You have a dream, vision, purpose, or calling, but all you can see is the "hows," and those questions are so overwhelming that you become paralyzed.

The enemy's purpose is to kill, steal and destroy and he will use our overthinking and list of "hows" against us.

I used to tell God, "If I take this step of faith, you will have to make a way." Until one day, He responded, "I'll make a way when you take a step of faith.”

My friend, start where you are. Do the first thing, don't be afraid to learn and do new things. TAKE THE FIRST STEP!

I wrote the first blog, started a Facebook page, and my husband James built a website to host my blog all in one day. We got past the first "how" mountain, and since then, we have conquered hundreds of them one by one.

God was true to His word; He has made a way, provided, and given us the wisdom and finances that are needed to take the next step, and all the steps to come have been planned and provided for. I am confident of this.

That is my "God is faithful" story; now it's time for you to start yours or start again.  

Love ya,
