How It All Began: Pt 4

What Will They Think?

As I was writing my very first blog, I remember (like it was yesterday) thinking about all the people who might and probably will criticize my writing. Not just how I said it, but what I was saying and whether or not I should be the one to say it.

The truth is, there are people smarter, more experienced, and more educated on all the scriptures and topics I write and talk about to this day. This truth made my hands shake, and my heart pound while I wrote and made me want to lose the contents of my stomach when we posted it for the world to see.

After weeks of focusing on my imaginary haters, I began to write in defiance of those who (in my mind) were judging and criticizing me and not to the people God ordained to read or hear what I was sharing.

WHAT?? I knew it was wrong, but my insecurity and the voice of the enemy was distracting me from focusing on what God assigned me to do.

Can you relate? Do you see your “haters” when you think about starting or continuing the assignment God has given you?

My friend, your “haters,” imaginary or not, are none of your business. That’s right, I said that, and in case you missed it, THEY ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

God gave you an assignment; He trusts you with your calling; you were created for this purpose, and nothing they think about you matters to God, so it shouldn’t matter to you.

God is not considering their opinion of you; He isn’t asking for their advice or direction concerning your purpose; He isn’t asking for their permission.

When I learned this lesson, I felt FREE! Free to fail, free to make mistakes, free to disappoint, free to offend. I also felt free to obey, succeed, be blessed, be a blessing. I freed up space in my mind to hear what God wanted instead of the discouraging voice that took up way too much airspace in my heart and mind.  

There will be “haters” that pop up from time to time, you will lose some friends, not everyone will understand or support your calling, but those people didn’t take your place on the cross, they didn’t form you in your mother’s womb, they don’t know the number of hairs on your head, and they won’t stand before God with you at the end of your life. 

Silence the voice of doubt (real or imagined), and get to work! God’s voice is the only one you need to listen to, and He is saying “go.”

Love ya,
